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From MSX Game Library

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Revision as of 00:54, 9 June 2022

This Build tool option allow cartridge program to use page #0 (address 0000h~3FFFh) as RAM. This gives almost 16 KB more memory.

If InstallRAMISR is set to 1, the cartridge boot code will automatically switch page #0 to the same slot as page #3 (where RAM is located), then copy a ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) at address 0038h. This ISR handle VDP's V-Blank interruption (each 50/60 Hz) and call an handler function that program must provide: void VDP_InterruptHandler();


  • This option only work on MSX with at least 64 KB of RAM (otherwise, there is no RAM on page #0).
  • Obviously, no BIOS function can be used in this program (unless you reswitched the Main-ROM on page #0 first).