From MSX Game Library
Proposal for a protocol to handle joypads with a variable number of sticks and buttons, plug in the MSX’s general purpose port.
This protocol can manage joypads with up to 15 analog axis (one stick requires 2 axis) and 18 buttons (3 rows of 6 buttons each).
Pin 8 is used to synchronize data transmission:
- Leaving Pin 8 LOW for long enough (>1 ms, about 3580 t-states) resets the joystick's internal counter,
- then successive pulses on Pin 8 (LOW > HIGH) are used for data transmission (6 bits per 6 bits).
Pin 6 and 7 are used as input only.
Internal counter is used to send successive data: first the device ID, then each of the input data.
Pin binding for received 6-bit data when reading through R#14:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --------------- 0 0 P P P P P P │ │ │ │ │ └── Pin 1 │ │ │ │ └──── Pin 2 │ │ │ └────── Pin 3 │ │ └──────── Pin 4 │ └────────── Pin 6 └──────────── Pin 7
Idle state (no-communication)
Write R#15
- Pin 8: LOW (for >1 ms)
- Reset internal data counter
Read R#14
- Get 0x0F (JSX idle fingerprint)
- Note: It could be any value between 00-3F not already return by other MSX devices)
Communication state
Write R#15
- Pin 8: LOW
Write R#15
- Pin 8: HIGH (request data)
Read R#14
- Get 6-bit data
Write R#15
- Pin 8: LOW
- Increment the internal counter
Device ID
First received data is the JSX device ID:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --------------- 0 0 A A A A B B │ │ │ │ └─┴── Number of button rows (0-3) │ │ │ │ 0: No button │ │ │ │ 1: Up to 6 buttons │ │ │ │ 2: Up to 12 buttons │ │ │ │ 3: Up to 18 buttons └─┴─┴─┴────── Number of axis (0-15)
Note: Number of axis or number of button rows can be zero, but not both. So any device ID up to 0x3F is valid except 0x00.
Input number can be computed as:
- Axis number (Axies): ID >> 2,
- Button rows (BtnRow): ID & 0x03,
- Total input number (TotIn): Axies + BtnRow.
Repeat data read, for each axis (if any), then for each button row (if any). The device must be read TotIn times to read all data.
Axis data
Get 6-bit values
- unsigned 6-bits value [0:63]
Button row data
Get 6-bit values
- bits field for 6 boutons (0: pressed, 1: released)
For a Joypad with a stick with X and Y axis (2 axis), and 4 buttons (1 row), the reading process would be:
- After starting communication, first read to R#14 return the ID.
ID: 0x09 [00 0010 01] for 2 axis, and 1 buttons row, - Next reading give X-axis value [0:63],
- Next reading give Y-axis value [0:63],
- Next and last reading give button states (for up to 6 boutons).
Note: MSX-HID fingerprint would be: 0Fh, 09h, 0Fh