From MSX Game Library

Last version can see on GitHub.

 HEADER  (4 bytes)
	xx[4]		"lVGM"            Light-VGM identifier

	xx			Options
				7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
				│ │ │ │   │ │ └── Frequency (0: 60 Hz, 1: 50 Hz)
				│ │ │ │   │ └──── Loop data included
				│ │ │ │   └────── Devices (0: PSG only, 1: Device list incuded; see bellow)
				└─┴─┴─┴────────── File format version (0)

	(xx)		Devices (only present if Options#2 is 1)
				7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
				│   │ │ │ │ │ └── Include PSG data (AY-3-8910)
				│   │ │ │ │ └──── Include MSX-MUSIC data (YM2413/OPLL)
				│   │ │ │ └────── Include MSX-AUDIO data (Y8950/OPL1+ADPCM)
				│   │ │ └──────── Include SCC data (K051649)
				│   │ └────────── Include SCC+ data (K052539)
				│   └──────────── Include secondary PSG data
				└──────────────── Include Moonsound data (YMF278/OPL4)

	(xx)		PSG - Most common value (only present if Opions#2 is 0 or Devices#0 is 1)


	Opcode			Action
	En				Wait n+1 cycles (1~16)
	F0				Start of PSG chunk (default when not defined)
	F1				Start of MSX-MUSIC chunk
	F2				Start of MSX-AUDIO chunk
	F3				Start of SCC chunk
	F4				Start of SCC+ chunk
	F5				Start of secondary PSG chunk
	F7				Start of Moonsound chunk

	FD nn			Special markers (trigger notification by the replayer)
	   00			End of data segment
	............... Replayer ony notification (not incuded in data)
	   FE			Reach loop marker
	   FF			Jump to loop marker

	FE				Loop position
	FF				End of song
					Not used: F6, F8~FC

 PSG DATA  (00~DF)

	Opcode			Action
 	00 xx			Tone Period (R#0 = xx)
	1x				Tone Period (R#1 = x)
	02 xx			Tone Period (R#2 = xx)
	2x				Tone Period (R#3 = x)
	04 xx			Tone Period (R#4 = xx)
	3x				Tone Period (R#5 = x)

	4x				Noise Period (R#6 = x)
	5x				Noise Period (R#6 = x | 0x10)

	07 xx			Mixer (R#7 = x)

	6x				Tone Amplitude (R#8 = x)
	7x				Tone Amplitude (R#8 = x | 0x10)
	8x				Tone Amplitude (R#9 = x)
	9x				Tone Amplitude (R#9 = x | 0x10)
	Ax				Tone Amplitude (R#10 = x)
	Bx				Tone Amplitude (R#10 = x | 0x10)

	0B xx			Envelope Period (R#11 = xx)
	0C xx			Envelope Period (R#12 = xx)

	Cx				Envelope Shape (R#13 = x)
	Dx				More common byte value (R#x = <Most common value>)
					Not used: 01, 03, 05, 06, 08, 09, 0A, 0D~0F, DE~DF


	Opcode			Action
	xx yy			R#xx = yy (xx ∈ [00:38])
	xx|80			R#xx = 0  (xx ∈ [80:B8])
	40 xx[8]		User Tone (copy 8 bytes from R#0)
	50 xx			User Tone (fill 8 bytes from R#0)

	41 xx[9]		F-Number  (copy 9 bytes from R#10)
	51 xx			F-Number  (fill 9 bytes from R#10)

	42 xx[9]		Setting   (copy 9 bytes from R#20)
	52 xx			Setting   (fill 9 bytes from R#20)

	43 xx[9]		Inst/col  (copy 9 bytes from R#30)
	53 xx			Inst/col  (fill 9 bytes from R#30)
	44 xx[3]		Rhythm F-Number (copy 3 bytes from R#16)
	54 xx			Rhythm F-Number (fill 3 bytes from R#16)

	45 xx[3]		Rhythm Setting  (copy 3 bytes from R#26)
	55 xx			Rhythm Setting  (fill 3 bytes from R#26)

	46 xx[3]		Rhythm Inst/col (copy 3 bytes from R#36)
	56 xx			Rhythm Inst/col (fill 3 bytes from R#36)
	6x yy zz		Set x+3 bytes (3~18) start from R#yy
	7x yy zz[]		Copy x+3 bytes (3~18) start from R#yy
					Not used: 08~0D, 19~1F, 29~2F, 39~3F, 47~4F, 
					 57~5F, 88~8D, 99~9F, A9~AF, B9~DF


	Opcode			Action
	xx yy			R#xx = yy (xx ∈ [00:C8])
	1F xx[8]		User Tone 1 (copy 8 bytes in 20,23,40,43,60,63,80,83)
	2F xx[8]		User Tone 2 (copy 8 bytes in 21,24,41,44,61,64,81,84)
	3F xx[8]		User Tone 3 (copy 8 bytes in 22,25,42,45,62,65,82,85)
	4F xx[8]		User Tone 4 (copy 8 bytes in 28,2B,48,4B,68,6B,88,8B)
	5F xx[8]		User Tone 5 (copy 8 bytes in 29,2C,49,4C,69,6C,89,8C)
	6F xx[8]		User Tone 6 (copy 8 bytes in 2A,2D,4A,4D,6A,6D,8A,8D)
	7F xx[8]		User Tone 7 (copy 8 bytes in 30,33,50,53,70,73,90,93)
	8F xx[8]		User Tone 8 (copy 8 bytes in 31,34,51,54,71,74,91,94)
	9F xx[8]		User Tone 9 (copy 8 bytes in 32,35,52,55,72,75,92,95)
	Dx yy zz[]		Copy x+3 bytes (3~18) start from R#yy
					Not used: 13~14, 1B~1E, 26~27, 2E, 36~3E, 46~47, 
					 4E, 56~5E, 66~67, 6E, 76~7E, 86~87, 8E, 96~9E, 
					 A9~AF, B9~BC, BE~BF, C9~CF


	Opcode			Action                                  SCC    SCC+
	xx yy			R#xx = yy (xx ∈ [00:AF])                9800   B800
	B0 xx[32]		Copy 32 bytes to channel 1 waveform     9800   B800
	B1 xx[32]		Copy 32 bytes to channel 2 waveform     9820   B820
	B2 xx[32]		Copy 32 bytes to channel 3 waveform     9840   B840
	B3 xx[32]		Copy 32 bytes to channel 4 waveform     9860   B860
	B4 xx[32]		Copy 32 bytes to channel 5 waveform            B880

	B8 xx			Set 32 bytes to channel 1 waveform      9800   B800
	B9 xx			Set 32 bytes to channel 2 waveform      9820   B820
	BA xx			Set 32 bytes to channel 3 waveform      9840   B840
	BB xx			Set 32 bytes to channel 4 waveform      9860   B860
	BC xx			Set 32 bytes to channel 5 waveform             B880
	Cx yy zz		Set x+3 bytes (3~18) start from R#yy
	Dx yy zz[]		Copy x+3 bytes (3~18) start from R#yy
					Not used: B5-B7, BD-BF