
From MSX Game Library

Revision as of 19:12, 12 January 2024 by Aoineko (talk | contribs) (Command line options)
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MSXbin convert binary file into data that can be include into source project (C or assembler).

Command line options

MSXbin 1.4.1 - Convert binary to text file
Usage: msxbin <inputfile> [options]
  -o output     Filename of the output file (default: use input filename with .h/.asm extension)
  -t name       Data table name (default: use input filename)
  -8b           8-bits data size (default)
  -16b          16-bits data size
  -32b          32-bits data size
  -dec          Decimal data format
  -hex          Hexadecimal data format (default)
  -bin          Binary data format
  -c            C language data (default)
  -asm          Assembler language data
  -n X          Number of data per line (default: 16)
                (0: means only one line)
  -skip F S     Skip binary data from 'F' address to a 'S' size
                Value can be hexadecimal (format: 0xFFFF) or decimal
                Can be invoked multiple times to skip several sections
  -ascii        Display ASCII code of each line (only for 8-bits data. default: false)
  -ad           Display decimal address offset of the first element of each line
  -ax           Display hexadecimal address offset of the first element of each line
  -pt3		Extract PT3 header information and add it as comment (default: false)
  -at X         Data starting address (can be decimal or hexadecimal starting with '0x')
  -def		Add define before data structure (only for C language. default: false)
  -size		Add size define after data structure (only for C language. default: false)
  -nodeco       Don't display header decoration (default: false)
  -h            Display this help