
From MSX Game Library

< Modules


Code: debug.h

Category: Tool

Dependencies: None


The debug module offers features to create interaction between a running program and a debug device (generally, an emulator) to help programmers to debug their program.


To use this module, include "debug.h" in your source code, and add "debug" to the modules list (LibModules) in your project's configuration file (project_config.js).

Note: You don't need to remove the module from the compile list when you want to remove the debug features. Just disable the module from library configuration (msxgl_config.h) is enough to remove all module codes.


Emulicious.png Emulicious

Emulicious support all avaible debug functions. Messages sent by the game are displayed in the debugger's “Console” tab.

For profiling your program with Emulicious, you don't need to modify any thing in your code. Emulicious provide many debug tools, including a Profiler which lets you see which parts of your code take the longest (Call Tree), or which functions cost the most (Hot Spots).

It is recommended to call the DEBUG_INIT() function at the beginning of your program to mark the memory area reserved by the BIOS and let know the emulator to don't through warning when accessing this uninitialized memory.

Openmsx.gif openMSX

By default, openMSX does not allow you to use all the features of the Debug module: DEBUG_BREAK(), DEBUG_ASSERT() et DEBUG_PRINT() are not supported.

To overcome this limitation, user PVM has developed a TCL script that adds the missing functionalities. To use it, set DEBUG_TOOL to DEBUG_OPENMSX_P in your library configuration (msxgl_config.h) and setup additionnal emulator command line in your project configuration (project_config.js):

//-- Emulator extra parameters to be add to command-line (string). Emulator sotfware specific
EmulExtraParam= `-script ${ToolsDir}script/openMSX/debugger_pvm.tcl`;

By default, openMSX has no code profiling tool either. 2 TCL scrips have been created to make up for this limitation. To use them, set PROFILE_TOOL to PROFILE_OPENMSX_G (Grauw's profiler) or PROFILE_OPENMSX_S (Sallute's profiler) in your library configuration file (msxgl_config.h). You also need to add emulator command line in your project configuration (project_config.js):


//-- Emulator extra parameters to be add to command-line (string). Emulator sotfware specific
EmulExtraParam= `-script ${ToolsDir}script/openMSX/profiler_grauw.tcl`;


//-- Emulator extra parameters to be add to command-line (string). Emulator sotfware specific
EmulExtraParam= `-script ${ToolsDir}script/openMSX/profiler_salutte.tcl -command "profile::section_scope_bp frame 0xFD9F; profile_osd ms;"`;

If you don't know which one to choose, take the second one, which has a documentation:


All other emulators are not known to offer debug communication or profiling and, thus, are not supported.


See module use cases in the sample programs:

  • example (Example project (not a sample))



Library configuration (msxgl_config.h):

// Debugger options
// - DEBUG_DISABLE ................ No debug tool
// - DEBUG_EMULICIOUS ............. Debug features for Emulicious
// - DEBUG_OPENMSX ................ Debug features for openMSX using 'debugdevice' extension
// - DEBUG_OPENMSX_P .............. Debug features for openMSX using PVM script (tools/script/openMSX/debugger_pvm.tcl)

// Profiler options
// - PROFILE_DISABLE .............. No profile tool
// - PROFILE_OPENMSX_G ............ Profiler features for openMSX using Grauw script (tools/script/openMSX/profiler_grauw.tcl)
// - PROFILE_OPENMSX_S ............ Profiler features for openMSX using Salutte script (tools/script/openMSX/profiler_salutte.tcl)
#define PROFILE_LEVEL				10


Dependency on other modules: None
