Create my first program
From MSX Game Library
Test template program
First try to compile and run the template program:
- Go to MSXgl\projects\template (or template_msx2 if you target MSX2 computer)
- Execute build.bat (Windows) or ./ (Linux)
- Go to MSXgl\projects\template\emul\rom, check if template.rom exists and try it on your MSX machine or emulator.
Note: If you have configured an emulator path in MSXgl\projects\default_config.js, you can edit project_config.js and change "DoRun = false;" to "DoRun = true;" to allow auto-launch of the built program.
Create your project directory
Now that everything work well, let's create your own program.
You can sure start a new project from scratch, but for this example lets duplicate template (or template_msx2) directory, and rename it mygame.
Rename template.c to mygame.c.
Setup Build Tool
Edit build.bat:
- Change ProjName to mygame.
- Set Machine to the version MSX hardware you want to support for your program. Let's say 1 for .
- Set Target to your target format. Let's say ROM_48K (ROM on page 0, 1 and 2 with page 1 & 2 selected at startup).
- If you have configured an emulator path in MSXgl\projects\default_config.cmd, set DoRun to 1 to allow auto-launch (easier to test your program).
- Execute build.bat, check the emul\rom directory for mygame.rom and test it.
Many other build options can be defined in build.bat. See the options list.
Setup program
- msxgl_config.h...
Change program content