
From MSX Game Library

Revision as of 10:00, 16 July 2024 by Aoineko (talk | contribs)

< Modules‎ | debug

Library configuration (msxgl_config.h):

// Debugger and profiler options
// - DEBUG_DISABLE ................ No debug or profile feature
// - DEBUG_EMULICIOUS ............. Debug features for Emulicious
// - DEBUG_OPENMSX ................ Debug features for openMSX using 'debugdevice' extension
// - DEBUG_OPENMSX_P .............. Debug features for openMSX using PVM script (tools/script/openMSX/debugger_pvm.tcl)
// - DEBUG_OPENMSX_G .............. Profiler features for openMSX using Grauw script (tools/script/openMSX/profiler_grauw.tcl)
// - DEBUG_OPENMSX_S .............. Profiler features for openMSX using Salutte script (tools/script/openMSX/profiler_salutte.tcl)
#define PROFILE_LEVEL				10

When DEBUG_DISABLE is set to DEBUG_OPENMSX_P, you also need to setup additionnal emulator command line in your project configuration (project_config.js):

//-- Emulator extra parameters to be add to command-line (string). Emulator sotfware specific
EmulExtraParam= `-script ${ToolsDir}script/openMSX/debugger_pvm.tcl`;