
From MSX Game Library

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How to install MSXgl

Follow those steps:

1️⃣ Create a directory (name it "MSXgl" for example).

  • Note: For now (version 0.8.0), please use a directory without any space in the full path.

2️⃣ Install the engine:

3️⃣ (Optional) If you want to use the emulator auto-launch option:

  • Edit MSXgl\projects\default_config.js file (the default Build tool's configuration),
  • Search for "Emulator", set the path for your favorite emulator (can be OpenMSX, Emulicious, BlueMSX, Meisei, fMSX or Ru-MSX) and set "DoRun = true".
  • Note: Many other options from default_config.js are overwriten by the project's configuration.

You are done! You can start testing library samples or create your own brand new game!


For Windows and Linux, all the needed tools are imbedded into MSXgl package, but macOS users need to manually install Node.js (18.12.1 or newer) and SDCC (4.2.0) before you can run the MSXgl's Build tool.

The path of all the programs used in the Build tool can be changed in the default_config.js file.